New 'Man of Steel' Trailer Has Super Gravitas He's a brilliant visual stylist, but the knock on Zack Snyder as a director is that he too often neglects real storytelling in favor of pretty pictures. The latest Man of Steel trailer, however, suggests he may have made a quantum leap as a filmmaker. More
Watch the First 'Hunger Games: Catching Fire' Trailer It won't be out until November, but The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is one of the most highly anticipated sequels of the year, so Lionsgate isn't wasting any time whetting audiences' appetites with trailers. More
First 'Elysium' Trailer Pulls the Trigger on Brainy, Suspenseful Sci-Fi With District 9, writer/director Neill Blomkamp made us want to believe that satisfyingly smart sci-fi could make money at the box office. Now, with the first trailer for Elysium, he's making us think his last film's success may have only been the beginning. More
Two years before "The Maltese Falcon" catapulted him to the A-list, Bogart gave one of his weirdest and most interesting early performances in "The Return of Doctor X."
Prioritizing comedy over everything — as the FX gem always has — "What We Do in the Shadows" devises a delightful, devious finale that's true to itself, even if it might fluster casual fans.