New Malaria Vaccine Is World-changing, Say Scientists - Bbc

New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists BBCA new malaria vaccine shows promising results The EconomistNew malaria vaccine comes a step closer as experts say it’s ‘the best yet’ The GuardianEncouraging data of malaria jab trial raise hopes of mass rollout Al Jazeera EnglishEfficacy and immunogenicity of R21/Matrix-M vaccine against clinical malaria after 2 years' follow-up in children in Burkina Faso: a phase 1/2b randomised controlled trial The LancetView Full Coverage on Google News

  • New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists
    A malaria vaccine with "world-changing" potential has been developed by scientists at the University of Oxford. The team expect it to be rolled out next year after trials showed up to 80% ...
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  • Ghana first to approve 'world-changer' malaria vaccine
    Ghana is the first country to approve a new malaria vaccine that has been described as a "world-changer" by the scientists who developed it. The vaccine - called R21 - appears to be hugely ...
    04/12/2023 - 8:08 pm | View Link
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