(Credit: Twitter/pixelatedboat) With all the inconceivable Trump administration’s absurdities revealed by Michael Wolff’s White House just-released exposé “Fire & Fury,” it is infuriating, yet almost understandable, that a fictitious passage about Donald Trump watching “the Gorilla Channel” was believed by some to be true. Beloved Twitter comedian @Pixelatedboat tweeted a Photoshopped passage — purported to be from Wolff’s book “Fire & Fury” — that said that President Trump was upset that the television in his bedroom didn’t carry a “gorilla channel.” In an effort to placate him, the White House staff compiled a bunch of documentaries and created an improvised one, the joke passage explained. Wow, this extract from Wolff’s book is a shocking insight into Trump’s mind: pic.twitter.com/1ZecclggSa — the gorilla channel thing is a joke (@pixelatedboat) January 5, 2018 The tweet went viral, leading some prominent figures in the Twitterverse—including Farhad Manjoo of the New York Times— to express confusion over its legitimacy. I’m sorry I have a question Is the gorilla channel thing real or fake? I thought it was clearly fake but people are talking as if it’s real and I don’t know who’s mistaken. If you don’t know what I’m talking about don’t look it up because it might be fake. — Farhad Manjoo (feat.