The post-election media has two jobs, it seems. 1. Make sure Hillary Clinton doesn't get too big for her britches. I can already see the "Clinton doesn't have a real mandate because Trump was such a poor candidate" panels on Meet the Press. 2. Make sure Trump supporters little fee-fees aren't too hurt by their loss. We didn't worry about the feelings of Republican voters nearly as much in 2008 and 2012, even though all indications are, Trump is going to lose by much larger numbers than McCain or Romney. But we must paint a both-sider picture and make sure the audience for Cialis and Sarah Lee Premium Deli meats doesn't feel put down because the majority of Americans think their Orange Kim Jong Il is a doofus. So the media has to cover this loss, in advance, like this: JOE SCARBOROUGH: Margaret Carlson, how the Clinton -- will ask the question of people, their relatives around the table, "How can you vote for a woman who should be in jail".