Today's comic by Tom Tomorrow is The Sequestrationator: What you misssed on Sunday Kos ... Book review: Jake Tapper's "The Outpost," by Susan Gardner Telling teens to just say no to sex doesn't work so let's waste half a billion dollars doing that, by Kaili Joy Gray Republicans aren't shy about theirs. What could a state-based Democratic agenda look like, by Laura Clawson What do seat belts (and bike helmets) have to do with gun legislation, by Greg Dworkin They sang, they motivated, and they mobilized, by Denise Oliver Velez GOP Abortion Foes Violate the Doctor-Patient Relationship, by Jon Perr Keystone XL: Will the State Department's shameful dishonesty become Obama's climate legacy, by Laurence Lewis Senator "Squatter"? Staffers for Sen.