Meta has refuted claims it has forced users of its social media networks to follow the accounts of President Donald Trump and his new administration. Some users spoke out, following Monday’s inauguration and change of regime at the White House, to voice their concern that Trump content was appearing on their timeline when they hadn’t previously followed such accounts or made any suggestion that they wanted to. One accusation was that Meta had artificially increased Team Trump’s follower count on Facebook and Instagram with the underhand move, however, the company has spoken out to allay fears with what appears to be a rather routine adjustment. At the time of writing, the official POTUS and White House accounts have approximately 11 million followers, respectively. Meta, the company which owns social media networks Facebook and Instagram, has denied forcing users to follow official accounts belonging to senior figures in the new Trump administration. — BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast) January 23, 2025 Some users will retain suspicion at Meta’s change of tack As reported by the BBC, a Meta spokesperson explained how the sudden change isn’t what it seems, that it is just another sign of the change in regime at the White House.