Search for Mcdonald's Menu Getting Leaner on Bing

Restaurant to add oatmeal breakfast, eliminate 3 low-selling items The expansive McDonald's menu is undergoing a makeover. Out will be some low sellers; in will be leaner breakfast fare.

Topics:  mcdonald   leaner   breakfast   
  • Keanu Reeves speaks Chinese
    I've just seen the film "The Day The Earth Stood Still" 地球停轉日. There is a part in which Keanu Reeves meets with a Chinese old man (another alien) and they speak Chinese. The old man's Chinese is not great. And the star tries very hard to speak it right (there are 3 or 4 lines). He has tones, and ...
    12/16/2024 - 7:17 pm | View Website
  • McDonald's Menu in Chinese
    does mcd's even have breakfast items on the menu in china? back in the day when i was a student in china, there were no breakfast items. nonetheless mcd's still opened early and served the typical burgers, chicken shit, fries, etc. actually mcd's was about the best place to get "real" coffee in beijing rather than nescafe trash.
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  • I don't like Chinese food, what should I do.
    In other towns in the UK, the food can be totally rubbish, with every dish on the menu tasting the same. Not because it is the same, but because they can't cook. Crappy Indian restaurants have the same issue. Paris' 13th Arr. has some great restaurants but they focus on Vietnamese/Laotion food (due to France's colonian influence). Germany ...
    12/8/2024 - 5:21 am | View Website
  • Chinese tourists in foreign countries
    Some years ago I ordered in Mandarin at a McDonald's without a problem. Then my Beijing friend stepped up next to place his order, and the cashier suddenly couldn't understand zha tudou tiaor. I told him his Mandarin must not be very good.
    11/25/2024 - 11:09 pm | View Website
  • whats the percentage of Chinese that go to to mcdonalds?
    In mainland China McDonalds has traditionally been seen as a high-class restaurant, mostly because when it first arrived its prices (which were set at western levels) were far above most local restaurants, meaning that only the wealthy could afford to eat there and so it acquired a sort of elite reputation, e.g. if you ate at McDonalds then you were almost certainly wealthy and so it also ...
    11/21/2024 - 10:17 pm | View Website
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