Marvel Studios As "Avengers: Infinity War" breaks box office records, Marvel is relaunching its "Avengers" comic this week. The new team includes Marvel Cinematic Universe favorites such as Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther, and Doctor Strange. It also includes Captain Marvel, who will play an important role in the MCU's future and the next "Avengers" movie. The new comic could attract long-time comic book readers, but also acts as a jumping-on point for new readers. Marvel ComicsSee the rest of the story at Business InsiderNOW WATCH: Why you should never release your pet goldfish into the wildSee Also:The 50 best superhero movies of all time, rankedWhat you need to know about Captain Marvel, who will play a big role in the next 'Avengers' movieThe most absurd part of 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' is ignored in 'Infinity War,' and the movie is better because of itSEE ALSO: The 'Avengers: Infinity War' ending is devastating — but the comic it's based on provides a glimmer of hope