Man Killed At Home On Yadkin Road

Fayetteville police are looking for multiple people who broke into a home off Yadkin Road early Sunday morning and shot and killed a man inside.

Sections:  u.s.   
  • U.S. crops ready for picking, but farm workers in short supply
    It’s nearly apple-picking time in Washington’s Yakima Valley. Cherry season will be around for a few more weeks, and a bounty of other fruits and vegetables are maturing on branches and in fields. “The orchards are big and beautiful,” said Dan Fazio, executive director of the Washington Farm Labor Association. More
  • Ebola virus re-emerges in Congolese conflict zone
    KINSHASA, Congo — At least four new cases of the Ebola virus have emerged in Congo’s northeast, just a week after an outbreak in the northwest was declared over, the country’s health ministry said Wednesday. There was no indication the two outbreaks, separated by more than 1,553 miles, are related, Health Minister Dr. More
  • Trump pressures China with threat to crank up size of proposed tariffs
    WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday tried to increase pressure on China to change its trade practices by directing administration officials to consider more than doubling the size of proposed tariffs he has already threatened to slap on $200 billion in imports. But the administration stopped short of actually making such a move, raising questions about whether it was a negotiating ploy in its widening trade war with China. More
  • Photographer joins bear hunt, but not to kill
    The largest grizzly hunt in the Lower 48 in more than 40 years is set to open next month in Wyoming, and more than 7,000 people applied for a chance to kill one of up to 22 bears. Among the tiny number of people who won the draw for permits is a wildlife photographer who has produced some of the most famous images of the area’s grizzlies. Thomas Mangelsen, who has lived near Grand Teton National Park for four decades, said this week that he will use the permit to shoot bears as he’s always done – with a camera, not a gun. More
  • Sen. Collins says it’s ‘unbelievable’ that Trump wants to stop Russia probe
    Donald Trump called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to halt Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, ramping up his attacks on the probe as the president’s former campaign chairman goes on trial for unrelated criminal charges. More


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