Clarksville’s Maddie Poppe is in the finals of “American Idol,” and the television show will come to Iowa on Tuesday to visit her hometown.“It’s a little hectic,” said Clarksville Mayor Val Swinton, “but this is a huge deal for us. We finally get to see her after all these months.”After Poppe was named to the top three Sunday night, a 25-member organizational committee met for a late night of planning at the Clarksville Public Library.“We are anticipating a huge crowd for the parade and most will head over to Allison for the concert afterward,” where organizers are expecting 6,000 in attendance, Swinton said.“As soon as the show was over and we knew Maddie was moving on, we were working until almost midnight to figure out traffic, how many Porta Pottys we would need, that kind of thing.” Swinton called Poppe’s “American Idol” success a “huge feather in the cap for Clarksville.