Jeff Sessions (Credit: AP/Andrew Harnik) Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a new legal guidance to federal agencies on Friday that governs and expands the already broad protection of religious liberties. The change could impact a series of pending employment, contracting and programming decisions that could go against government regulations. The memorandum — titled “Federal Law Protections for Religious Liberty” — reminds executive agencies and departments that religious freedom is an indelible right and an essential aspect to American fundamentalism, which “includes the right to act or abstain from action in accordance with one’s religious beliefs,” for “no one should be forced to choose between living out his or her faith and complying with the law.” The governance comes in response to President Donald Trump’s May 4th executive order which promotes “free speech and religious liberty.” It orders the Internal Revenue Service to “not take any adverse action against any individual, house of worship, or other religious organization” that endorses a political candidate, as there would be no such restrictions against secular organizations.