American lawmakers and officials question giving billions in aid to the governments of countries whose people are storming US diplomatic posts across the Middle East, following violent protests in Egypt, deadly attack in Libya. Click on photo to connect to LIVE STREAM of violence on Cairo. Libyan Official Says Consulate Attack a 2-Part Plan Timed to 9/11; Arrests MadeFormer Navy SEAL Identified as Consulate Attack Victim Muslim Protesters Pushed Back After Storming US Embassy in YemenYemeni President Apologizes to US for Embassy Attack TIMELINE OF MURDER: US Envoy's Killing Marked by Chaos, ConfusionDiplomat Killed in Libya Sent Chilling Message to Fellow Gamers Before DeathMother of Murdered US Ambassador Says He Wanted to be in Libya2 Navy Destroyers Sent to Waters Off Libya, Marine Unit Dispatched Identity of Anti-Islam Movie Director Questioned | Joint Chiefs Chairman Urges Pastor to Withdraw Support of FilmVIDEO: US Embassy Attacked in Yemen | GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Violent Protests in Yemen, Libya and Egypt