Gregg Kilday LAFCA also cites "Hugo" for best production design as it meets Sunday to vote on best films of the more

Topics:  hugo   gregg kilday lafca   film   
  • Oscars 2025: There’s not enough room for all the deserving lead actress nominees
    The lead actress category is stacked this year. And there’s not enough room for all the women deserving an Oscar nomination. The women LAFCA lauded — Marianne Jean-Baptiste (“Hard Truths”) and Mikey ...
    12/17/2024 - 10:00 pm | View Link
  • Jessica Chastain Celebrates American Cinematheque Award with Malartic-Lagravière
    The Oscar-winning actor was honored with the American Cinematheque Award, and, like past recipients, celebrated by autographing a magnum of Malartic-Lagravière Bordeaux ...
    12/17/2024 - 6:48 am | View Link
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