There are lots of studies and pilot projects across the United States showing that investing in early childhood care can pay for itself 10 times over — over 30 or 40 years. But one recent project in Quebec showed a 4 percent return the very next year. The Quebec project, which opened up accredited child care to every preschool-age child in the province for a cost to parents of $5 a day, resulted in a rapid jump in the number of working parents, which, in turn, meant an increase in income tax revenue. The Quebec experience and others like it were featured in a short film shown Wednesday at Salina Area Technical College to a group of about 60 people as a follow-up to a longer documentary called “Raising of America,” which was shown in late March. Wednesday’s film was called “Are We Crazy About Our Kids?” and focused on the potential of high-quality child care to improve outcomes even decades later.Read more on