Similar Stories to Influx Of Refugees Tests Resources Of Bangladesh on Bing News

DHAKA, Bangladesh — They had seen the images of Rohingya Muslim refugees arriving hungry and exhausted after traveling days without food to reach Myanmar’s border with Bangladesh. They had heard the stories of gunshot wounds and midnight escapes from angry mobs and soldiers. So when the rickshaw pullers, tea stall vendors and other villagers in northern Bangladesh’s Mymensingh district were asked to give, they did — in days raising $10,000 to donate to hospitals and refugee camps helping those who fled in what is now Asia’s largest refugee crisis in decades.

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    Councilmember Eric Guerra held a press conference at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral on Wednesday, sharing information and resources available. "The reality is the unknown and the misinformation about ...
    12/18/2024 - 5:47 pm | View Link
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