Idle convention center plan is tax drain Times Union Copyright 2013 Times Union. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 9:10 am, Monday, January 28, 2013 ALBANY — On the website of the Albany Convention Center Authority, a link invites visitors to view a webcam of progress at the six-acre downtown site proposed to one day hold the $220 million complex. The link lands on the page that contains just a single sentence, which perhaps more than anything encapsulates the sometimes frustrating inertia of a project that Mayor Jerry Jennings once billed as "a critical element of the city's long-term renewal." "Please check back," the page enjoins, "and watch the construction of the Albany Convention Center." But what you would see, if the camera were broadcasting, are sweeping views not of a bustling construction site but of parking lots and partially vacant buildings — in other words, some of the hidden costs of the project's stagnation. In the absence of clear direction from Gov.