OK, maybe the title to this post is slightly inflated, but only slightly.A central reason we’re heading into the self-inflicted wound known as sequestration is because R’s refuse to budge on any new revenues in a deficit reduction deal to offset the $85 billion in auto-cuts about to hit our already wobbly economy. The problem, they say, is on the spending side, not the revenue side. D’s insist on balance—the solution must include both spending cuts and revenue increases, they maintain.But what if I offered you–them–a solution that scratched both of those itches at once…a way to simultaneously both cut spending and raise revenues? That would be irresistible, right?Well, I’ve got exactly that. I’m working up testimony on this for the Senate next week but the solution is so damn compelling—and the sequestration deadline only hours away—it would be downright unpatriotic to keep it to myself a second longer.So, are you ready?It’s tax expenditures!Wait a minute…where’re you going? Get back here right now! I’m telling you, this should work.Continue Reading...