Harrison Ford's best-reviewed films In collaboration with Rotten Tomatoes and its parent company, Flixster, The Chronicle presents the critical consensus of Harrison Ford's best-reviewed films. Dark, sinister, but ultimately even more involving than "A New Hope," the second in the first "Star Wars" trilogy defies viewer expectations and takes the series to heightened emotional levels - and Ford charms as the roguish Han Solo. Featuring bravura set pieces, sly humor and white-knuckle action, this film is one of the most consummately entertaining adventure pictures of all time, thanks in part to Ford's matchlessly assured performance in the title role. A legendarily expansive and ambitious start to the sci-fi saga, George Lucas opened our eyes to the possibilities of blockbuster filmmaking and things have never been the same - and it made a superstar out of Ford. Misunderstood when it first hit theaters, the influence of Ridley Scott's mysterious, noir-influenced movie has deepened with time; it's visually remarkable, achingly human sci-fi masterpiece with a moody, compelling performance from Ford. Lighter and more comedic than its predecessor "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," this movie returns the series to the brisk serial adventure of "Raiders," while adding a dynamite double act with Ford and Sean Connery as Jones' father.