submitted by lejason [link] [7 comments]

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  • Amazon may be working on a smartphone with hologram-like 3D
    Amazon is reportedly developing a smartphone that sports a 3D screen that relies on retina-tracking technology to make images seem to float above the screen like a hologram. With the smartphone, users would be able to navigate through content by using their eyes alone, according to two unnamed people who discussed the phone with the Wall Street Journal. More
  • 3-D-printed gun fires real bullets
    A Texas group run by a self-described anarchist has posted what appears to be the first video of the live firing of a handgun created with a 3-D printer. The 53-second video shows a single shot being fired from The Liberator, a plastic handgun that, with the exception of its metal firing pin, was assembled from parts made with a 3-D printer, according to Defense Distributed. More
  • Long-distance 3D laser camera unveiled by Edinburgh team
    A camera able to create 3D images up to one kilometre (0.62 miles) away has been developed by a team in Edinburgh. Physicists at Heriot-Watt University developed a technique which uses lasers to scan almost any object. With extra research, the camera's range could extend to 10km (6.2 miles), the team said. More
  • Pirate Bay for 3D printing launched
    The company that developed 3D printed gun parts has announced plans to launch a new firm, dedicated to copyright-free blueprints for a range of 3D printable objects. Defcad, as the firm will be known, has already been dubbed the Pirate Bay of 3D printing. More
  • Mangione’s ghost gun: Are 3D printed weapons turning America into the Wild West?
    Police found a 3D-printed gun on suspect Luigi Mangione, the latest in a troubling trend of growing use of the homemade weapons.
    12/12/2024 - 2:24 am | View Link
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