Events On Tap To Promote Reading, Literacy For Kids

Reading will go global today when adults and children around the world share a common reading experience. Jumpstart's Read for the Record program, designed to spotlight the importance of early literacy among young people, asks adults in dozens of countries to read the same book to groups of children on the same day. The reading selection is the classic picture book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," about a homely caterpillar that turns into a beautiful butterfly. Most of the readings will take place in schools, libraries, day care centers, hospitals and private homes.

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    The Omaha Lancers hockey club volunteered with Partnership 4 Kids through Omaha Public Schools. The Book Buddy program promotes literacy engagement levels. Participants in five elementary schools are ...
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  • Literary Coalition teams with Dolly Parton to promote child literacy
    The Literary Coalition of the Permian Basin partners with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to provide free books to young children ...
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