Microsoft Develops Set-Top Box Microsoft has been developing designs for a simple set-top device for streaming video and other entertainment options. More
Australian biotech startup Vow has created the first cell-meat factory and is focusing on ‘weird meat’ to achieve viable scale.
The quail parfait glistens on my plate, smeared across a disc of fried heirloom masa. At first glance, it looks like the kind of fine-dining fare you’ll find at many high-end restaurants: a rich, rosy paste topped with pickled pepper, an edible flower, and a dusting of cotija.
While starting a company may not make you spiritual, entrepreneurship shares elements akin to a spiritual practice.
In an interview with Fast Company, Y Combinator CEO Garry Tan envisioned investors as “bodhisattva” helping startups reach the “promised land.” His words highlight a similarity between startup founders and people with a spiritual practice: Both embark on a faith journey along a seemingly meandering path toward a transformational vision.
These myths about long-haulers can lead us to make blunders. Here’s what you need to know to be more empathetic to those dealing with the illness—or other chronic health conditions.
“Nobody ccoan be dizzy for two years.”
Some 600 New Orleans nurses joined a national surge in precontract strikes.
On October 25, Tonjanika Webster joined a line of nurses on Canal Street, outside of New Orleans’s University Medical Center. Some, like Webster, wore scrubs. Others, red for their union, National Nurses United. A giant banner reading “UMC Proud” unfurled over the hospital’s facade, while Beyoncé and Taylor Swift echoed out of giant speakers, punctuated by approving honks from drivers.
Forget handwritten notes to Santa: Today’s wish lists take the form of Canva presentations and PowerPoint slides.
Do you still make a holiday wish list? For those past the Santa Claus phase but still spending the holidays in their childhood bedroom, this debate divides families. Some swear by detailed lists with links and item specs, while others toss out vague suggestions like “socks” or leave what they find under the tree entirely to fate.