The covert operation seems to have been tied to some of the worst of the worst in right-wing operatives: Project Veritas, James O’Keefe and Erik Prince. Reporting on the federal investigation Friday, CNN noted that it seems to have arisen as the result of a 2021 New York Times article that revealed “an undercover operation by conservatives to infiltrate progressive groups, political campaigns, and the offices of Democratic as well as moderate Republican elected officials during the 2020 election cycle.” O’Keefe and Prince, along with a former British intelligence officer named Richard Seddon and Susan Gore, an heiress to the Gore-Tex fortune, have all been subpoenaed so that prosecutors can determine whether any campaign finance laws were violated, CNN said. That New York Times article provides chilling details about how a couple named Beau Maier and Sofia LaRocca were able to worm their way deep into Democratic operations, particularly in the mountain west, simply by handing out large sums of cash to various campaigns and coalitions:read more


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