Doctors Call Giffords' Progress Remarkable

Doctors Call Giffords' Progress Remarkable

Globe and MailDoctors Call Giffords' Progress RemarkableNew York TimesTUCSON — As Tucson prepared for the funeral of another victim of last week's shooting rampage, Representative Gabrielle Giffords is continuing to make significant medical progress, her doctors said Friday. ...Good News for Gabrielle Giffords' Recovery, as Second Victim Leaves HospitalFox NewsGiffords' Husband Opens Up About Wife's ProgressCBS NewsDoc 'actually confident' of congresswoman recoveryWashington PostABC News -The Associated Press -MyStateline.comall 24,611 news articles »

Sections:  u.s.   
  • U.S. plans to drop gray wolves from endangered list
    The planned ruling would eliminate protection for the top predators, but scientists and conservationists say the proposal is flawed. Federal authorities intend to remove endangered species protections for all gray wolves in the Lower 48 states, carving out an a exception for a small pocket of about 75 Mexican wolves in the wild in Arizona and New Mexico, according to a draft document obtained by The Times. More
  • Ariz. sheriff releases records from Giffords' shooting
    The Pima County Sheriff's Office released an estimated 2,700 pages of investigative records Wednesday from a shooting rampage here two years ago — documents that are expected to shed new light on a massacre that left six dead and 14 wounded. More
  • Tucson atwitter over loud boom tonight
    Tucsonans flooded social media sites Wednesday night speculating on what caused a loud boom heard — and felt — over a chunk of the city. Tweet messages started about 7:45 p.m., many from residents of Tucson's west side, saying a large explosion rattled windows at some homes. More
  • Gun hearing starts with plea from Giffords
    The first congressional committee hearing on guns of the year began with an emotional jolt Wednesday, with former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was seriously wounded in a mass shooting two years ago, urging senators to "be bold, be courageous" in addressing gun violence. More
  • Food poisoning linked to ground beef
    Federal health officials say at least 16 people in five states have been sickened by salmonella food poisoning linked to ground beef. No one has died, but half were hospitalized. Most of the illnesses have been in Michigan, but a few cases were scattered in Arizona, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. More


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