Election Day for the Denver municipal runoff election is June 6. Ballots must be received by 7 p.m. (it’s now too late to mail them back). Find information about ballot drop-off box and vote center locations here. Here is recent coverage of the runoff races by The Denver Post: Denver mayor • Big dreams and big promises — but can Mike Johnston deliver for Denver? • Kelly Brough has a lot of experience, but is it the right kind for Denver voters? • There’s more than $5 million in outside spending in the Denver mayor’s race, but one candidate has a huge advantage • Denver mayoral debate: Kelly Brough and Mike Johnston still looking to stand out • Denver mayoral runoff: Kelly Brough and Mike Johnston each have a path to victory, but progressives could be key • Denver mayoral candidates discuss what sets them apart • Mike Johnston out-fundraises Kelly Brough in first month of runoff race for Denver mayor • Fact check: Denver mayor candidate called a liar in latest campaign ad.