Re-imagining Tom Joad's speech from The Grapes of Wrath rewritten by David Effing Brooks for our parlous modern age: I'll be all around on teevee. I'll be everywhere. PBS. NPR. NY Times. TED Talks. Meet the Press. Aspen Institute. Davos. Everywhere. Wherever you can look -- wherever there's a fight over how to pronounce charcuterie or soppressata -- I'll be there. Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there, penning maudlin columns about the lack of civility on Both Sides. I'll be in the way op-ed columnists scold Liberals about their tone when they're mad. I'll be there in the way pundits laugh when an orange racist rage monster and his army of fascist zombies stomp democracy to bits because it does not materially affect them one bit, and when those pundits are yucking it up about how great their investments are doing and how they can finally pay off their vacation home in Montauk, I'll be there, too... Original here. Open thread below... propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('crooksandliars_content_1'); });