Emmy-winning Darren Star is the creator of “Melrose Place,” “Beverly Hills 90210” and “Sex and the City.” His series “Younger” airs on TV Land. Variety’s 106-page marriage equality special issue includes more Q&As, including ones with Bob Greenblatt, Barney Frank and Eric Garcetti. How important was it to integrate gay characters into your storytelling?

  • Doug Savant recalls “Melrose Place” actor refusing to share gay kiss on cheek: 'He was so uncomfortable'
    Savant found it "shocking" that the unnamed actor had such a negative reaction to the kiss. Doug Savant is opening up about a "shocking" encounter with a Melrose Place actor who was not thrilled about ...
    12/3/2024 - 12:00 am | View Link
  • ‘Melrose Place' Actor Doug Savant Explains Why He Dodged Questions About Being Straight While Playing Gay Character On TV
    Melrose Place‘s Doug Savant recalls why he evaded questions regarding his sexuality while playing gay character Matt Fielding on the ’90s sudsy teen drama, saying he “felt a responsibility” to not ...
    11/30/2024 - 10:16 am | View Link
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