Wake County | featured news

Area universities report robust donations in 2014

Last year was a record year for fund raising at US universities, including Duke University, according to a new report.Click to Continue »


Transit authority ready to sell downtown Union Station site to Raleigh

The region's transit authority is ready to sell the future site of Union Station to the city of Raleigh. The exchange of about four acres of land and up to…Click to Continue »


Roses to open in former SE Raleigh Kroger space

Variety Wholesalers on Thursday will open a Roses in the former Kroger building on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the first step in a strategy to bring groceries back to…Click to Continue »


Saunders: Rev. Barber says Moral Mondays successful, even if they didn't yield many results at polls

The Rev. William Barber doesn't judge the Moral Monday movement based on the results of one election.Click to Continue »


Abortion bill fight could haunt Ellmers in 2016

U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers has been weathering a storm of criticism over her withdrawal of support from a late-term abortion ban bill, and it shows no sign of lifting.Click to Continue »


NC audit finds financial mismanagement at closed charter school; ex-CEO disputes findings

A closed Kinston charter school mismanaged state money, inflated its enrollment and hired the principal's unqualified relatives, according to a stinging state audit released Wednesday. Some of the audit findings…Click to Continue »


House Speaker tweaks committee roles after Rep. Justin Burr gets snubbed

Rep. Justin Burr, an Albemarle Republican, got a new leadership role Wednesday after House Speaker Tim Moore initially stripped him of his chair position on the powerful appropriations committee.Click to Continue »


Governor appoints four to coastal, energy panels

The governor announced appointments Wednesday to environment and energy panels.Click to Continue »


NC bill would let retired school employees keep state health coverage if they return to work

Senate Bill 6 would allow retired teachers and principals who return to work in temporary school positions to retain their coverage options under the state health plan rather than limiting…Click to Continue »


Business leaders call for more NC transportation spending, but not for more taxes

North Carolina business leaders on Wednesday called for the legislature to increase state transportation spending by billions of dollars over the coming decade – but they refused to discuss possible…Click to Continue »


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