Nueces County | featured news

Kemp's ridley program could get $45M boost

A $45 million grant to boost recovery efforts of the Kemp's ridley sea turtle population is listed as one of two Texas projects being considered for funding through the Deepwater Horizon court settlement.


Celebrating the Red, White and Blue

There's a proper way to fold it. There's a proper way to display it.But more importantly, there's a proper way to honor it.


Wimberley officials praise search, rescue crews

Eyewitness reports from Blanco miles upriver from Wimberley hours before the Memorial Day weekend flood were the only early river flow warnings officials in the vacation town received before the natural disaster.


Portland dog park to be built this fall

Fundraiser organizer Elizabeth Gibbens said the project has been in the works since February of last year and about 45 people signed up for the run. Other activities Saturday included a carnival with food and live music.


Annual Juneteenth event celebrates culture

Estella Sanders feels a personal connection with the Juneteenth celebration. She has attended the celebration several times in the last 20 years.She wanted to show her support along with friends at the annual celebration at South Bluff Park Saturday.


Man sentenced to 25 years in prison

A 38-year old man was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison followed by five years of supervised release after a conviction of one count of conspiracy to commit drug trafficking and two counts of possession with intent to distribute controlled substances in January.


Governor signs bill to advance seawater desal

Governor signs bill to advance seawater desal


Poster contest highlights Texas history

Charlize was one of about 20 kids to participate in the Spirit of Emancipation poster contest Friday at Solomon Coles High School and Education Center. The live contest was second of a series of events as part of Juneteenth.


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