Comment on KSU athletics announces 2016 budget

KSU athletics announces 2016 budget

Kansas State athletic director John Currie announced the athletic department's budget for the fiscal year 2016 on Tuesday -- presenting a balanced budget of $70.1 million -- in his regular letter to fans. The budget shows a $4.4 million increase from last year and $26 million increase from the 2010 budget of $44.1 million. Relying on zero dollars from the state or university for funding in 2016, the new budget's largest revenue sources come from the combined $31.87 million in ticket sales and contributions from fans and Ahearn Fund donors and $29 million in projected revenue from the Big 12/NCAA. Football ticket sales alone account for more than $11 million in revenue, while men's basketball checks in at $3.5 million in sales.Read more on


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