Phoenix - Local, Phoenix Arizona Republic: Politics
Thu, 04/16/2015 - 11:57am
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The Denver City Council’s members will join elected leaders in neighboring Lakewood early next year in deciding if they want to significantly clamp down on where new gas stations can be built within the borders of their respective cities. The Denver Planning Board voted 5-0 on Wednesday to recommend a proposed package of new restrictions on gas stations to the council.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareOver the last five years, Larimer County in northern Colorado has seen what appears to be a steady, sustained drop in its suicide rate — a potentially significant breakthrough in a state that consistently ranks in the top 10 nationally for its high rate. How the county got there was a decade-long affair in which local officials, nonprofits, private businesses and law enforcement rallied around suicide prevention, Larimer County advocates said.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareEl Cheato rather abruptly rejected the bipartisan plan yesterday to prevent a government shutdown for Christmas. Instead, he ordered Mike Johnson and Republicans to renegotiate — days before a deadline when federal funding runs out. Via the Associated Press: Trump’s sudden entrance into the debate and new demands sent Congress spiraling as lawmakers are trying to wrap up work and head home for the holidays.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareSomething like social studies was never controversial until America elected a raging narcissist who isn't capable of handling even the slightest bit of criticism into power. Narcissists always have flying monkeys to do their work; in this case, it's the Derby school district near Wichita, Kansas. There must never be a negative word about their precious leader, whose ego is fragile but massive.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareDiane Ravitch's Blog - Biden lists his administration's accomplishments; Krugman's New Location! - health insurance is a racket; Mock Paper Scissors - happy home hunting! Progress Pond - why AOC lost her oversight leadership bid; Rewire News - protect your reproductive health during Trump II. send tips to read more
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareIn an era of media consolidation and corporate-controlled narratives, Crooks and Liars stands as a critical beacon of independent progressive journalism. We've been your trusted source for unfiltered news, cutting-edge analysis, and comprehensive political coverage for over TWENTY years – and we can't continue this essential work without your help. Independent media matters now more than ever.
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