Comment on Explosions heard on outskirts of Tripoli - CNN International

Explosions heard on outskirts of Tripoli - CNN International

Globe and MailExplosions heard on outskirts of TripoliCNN InternationalBy the CNN Wire Staff Brussels, Belgium (CNN) -- Warplanes roared through the skies over the Libyan capital early Friday, dropping bombs on the outskirts of Tripoli, where military bases are located. Anti-aircraft fire quickly punctuated the darkness, ...Allies Are Split on Goal and Exit Strategy of Libya MissionNew York TimesMany Libyans appear to back GaddafiWashington PostNATO to Run No-Fly Zone While US-Led Force Hits Qaddafi TroopsBusinessWeekVoice of America -BBC News -ABC Onlineall 3,876 news articles »


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