College Student Busted For Steal 79 Thongs

A Michigan State University student is in hot water after an epic panty raid left his classmates lingerie drawers Spartan.

  • High School Bathroom Bust: Student Selling Weed Kicks Cop While Trying To Escape In MD: Sheriff
    A high school bathroom turned into a bad business deal for one student after getting busted for selling weed, then kicking a cop while trying to make a run for it, officials said. It all went down ...
    12/17/2024 - 3:27 am | View Link
  • Men in ski masks attempt to rob college student in Oakland University dorm building
    Five men in ski masks approached a female college student and attempted to steal her car keys. Students who live in the building say they're on edge.
    11/6/2024 - 11:00 am | View Link
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