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As the population of residents 60 and older continues to grow in Spartanburg County, places that provide opportunities for seniors to socialize and be active are expecting an even greater demand for their services.
Now that the money is being distributed, it's flowing to every agency that applied -- including one that monitors oyster health and scrutinizes pharmacists, according to a list provided to The Associated Press.
Donald Trump met with his newly-minted Hispanic advisory board in New York Saturday, sitting down with elected officials, business leaders and faith leaders, along with his new campaign team.
Louisiana continues to dig itself out from devastating floods, with search parties going door to door looking for survivors or bodies trapped by flooding so powerful in some cases it disturbed the dead and sent caskets floating from cemeteries.
Eliza O'Neill was diagnosed with Sanfilippo syndrome in 2013 when she was 3½. The cruelty of the rare disease is best captured in its nickname, "childhood Alzheimer's."