Hispanic Federation Fund for Puerto Rico Relief Link - From the GREAT STATE OF MAINE… Today’s List of Things By Which White House Chief of Staff John Kelly Will be “Stunned, Stunned”: Fidget spinners Soups that eat like a meal The earth is curved but the horizon is flat Accidentally witnessing his boss getting his morning application of skull latex Detergent that softens hands while you do dishes That Jeff Sessions doesn’t actually live in a tree The physical exertion involved in doing the Hokey Pokey Dogs playing poker The infinity of pi How the Good Doctor came up with the brilliant idea to remove that lady’s kidney to get at and take out her tumor Ego is Star-Lord’s father Wheels on the bus going ‘round and ‘round The statue in Brussels of that naked kid taking a leak His sacred wife burned his toast Socks that get lost while doing laundry All the wads of Sean Spicer gum under his desk Tree rings The size of Newt Gingrich’s head when you really stop and look at it Earlobe hairs Fighting going on in the war room He’s very sensitive, you know. Cheers and Jeers starts below the fold...