Changing Clocks Wasn't Good for Business

  • We actually have trillions of 'body clocks,' not just one. Here's how they all work together.
    We have trillions of body clocks — a central one in the brain and others in each cell of our body. Here's how they work with light to control our health.
    12/24/2024 - 12:00 am | View Link
  • Sleep, Natural Rhythms, and Changing the Clock
    Backed by decades of research, the AASM argues that aligning our clocks with natural planetary rhythms would promote better sleep, reduce inefficiencies, and improve public health.
    12/22/2024 - 6:00 pm | View Link
  • Precision Perfected: How Nuclear Clocks Are Changing Time
    Scientists are developing nuclear clocks using thin films of thorium tetrafluoride, which could revolutionize precision timekeeping by being less radioactive and more cost-effective than previous ...
    12/21/2024 - 12:57 am | View Link
  • Thin-film tech makes nuclear clocks a 1,000 times less radioactive and more affordable
    In the quest for ultra-precise timekeeping, scientists have turned to nuclear clocks. Unlike optical atomic clocks—which rely on electronic transitions—nuclear clocks utilize the energy transitions in ...
    12/18/2024 - 3:10 am | View Link
  • An end to Daylight Saving Time? How would Trump’s proposal affect San Diego
    Donald Trump suggested eliminating Daylight Saving Time and making Standard Time permanent; how would that impact San Deigo?
    12/17/2024 - 10:17 am | View Link
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