Feathers helped the Cannes Film Festival take flight on the opening-night red carpet. Naomi Watts, who appears in Gus van Sant's festival entry "The Sea of Trees," wore a powder blue gown from Elie Saab Couture's spring-summer 2015 collection, its top festooned with sequins and pearls above a flowing feathered skirt. Natalie Portman, Jake Gyllenhaal and Sienna Miller also walked the Riviera red carpet ahead of Wednesday's gala screening of Emmanuelle Bercot's "Standing Tall." Deneuve told reporters in Cannes Wednesday that glamour needs mystery, and that's hard to achieve now that social media has blurred the boundary between private and public. Deneuve said the all-revealing nature of celebrity culture doesn't "let people dream anymore" about celebrities. Deneuve's message fits with the mood of a Cannes festival that is trying to eradicate selfies — another symbol of our oversharing age — from the red carpet. EDITOR'S NOTE — "Cannes Watch" brings you the Cannes Film Festival and related events through the eyes and ears of AP reporters around Cannes and around the world.