Ndayisenga believes his sister's fate would have been unknown if not reported by the station linked to the Forebu rebel group, supported by exiles who press the international community to act on Burundi's crisis. After the armed forces put down an attempted coup, he won election amid alleged revenge killings and the unrest has continued. Other Burundian exiles are trying to build opposition to Nkurunziza, highlighting crimes they say are committed by the security forces and armed groups loyal to the government. Many non-governmental organizations that once monitored government activities have been suspended or have seen leadership flee into exile, said Yolande Bouka, an independent analyst now based in the United States. The international community recently expressed alarm about videos showing pro-government youth militia members singing about impregnating the regime's opponents and comparing the opposition to lice. According to the Arusha accords, Tutsis should hold 40 percent of posts in the government and the national assembly, as well as 50 percent of all seats in the Senate and the military. "Soldiers are being tortured or killed because many are against the violation of the Arusha (accords),"said Maj.