Sorta. Kinda. It's been converted to a star system. If you search for a movie and the Rotten Tomatoes page for it comes up, then you'll see a star rating (converted from the Tomatometer), the Tomatometer percent, and the number of reviews they're based on. I noticed they do a similar thing with IMDB too, except with their user ratings. I just noticed this about a week ago. I don't remember what I was searching for that lead me to this find. Here's a couple sample searches:
How to Train Your Dragon
Clash of the Titans
Date Night
Here's what it looks like on Google:
I don't know what this does for search referrals to Rotten Tomatoes though. I tend to think it'll drive more traffic to the site since that information is a better teaser than the default description. I suspect that web-savvy users will use this new feature to quickly get the Tomatometer instead of using Rotten Tomatoes's own search engine, which is slower. On Google, you can just do " how to train your dragon" to get the Tomatometer almost instantly. Still, I think it's a nice feature.