Apparently it was right-wing troll night on this Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, because his guests included Tucker Carlson's rag, The Daily Caller's Matt Lewis, and full time professional troll and flamethrower, Ann Coulter. Apparently Annie's got a new book to sell, so I guess that's all the excuse Maher's producers needed to give her some more air time. Maher sparred with Coulter over some of the premises of her book, such as her demonization of immigrants as a bunch of criminal, lazy, uneducated moochers who just want to get on the welfare rolls, and her inflation of the number of undocumented immigrants that have come to America. I haven't read Coulter's book and have no intention of doing so now or ever, but Right Wing Watch took her apart for her appearance discussing the book here: An Intimate Meet And Greet With Ann Coulter: Xenophobe Extraordinaire.