In his first two years in office, President Biden managed to muscle through both chambers of Congress a $550 billion investment in American infrastructure, and another $50 billion in spending to boost microchip manufacturing on U.S. soil. They’re the kind of accomplishments a broad swath of Americans have long said they want to see out of their federal government. But Biden’s job approval rating remains stuck in the low 40s, and administration officials suspect it’s partly because voters aren’t aware of many of the projects that are moving forward but will take years to pan out. “When something is unambiguously good, you have to work 10 times harder to get attention,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tells TIME. [time-brightcove not-tgx=”true”] In an effort to get credit with Americans now, Biden’s cabinet officials and campaign officials plan to fan out across the country this summer to aggressively promote the new bridges, roads, airport and broadband projects getting underway that may otherwise go unnoticed until their completion. “We’re going to be on the road.