Despite campaign promises to support corn-based ethanol by upholding the Renewable Fuel Standard, President Donald Trump has waded deeper and deeper into discussions about changing the rule, and will meet Monday with cabinet officials to hear ideas for doing just that.While the biofuel standard itself hasn’t been changed, farm interests are alarmed that the government has repeatedly chipped away at the main way of enforcing it — requiring refiners to blend in the biofuels themselves or buy credits from those that do.This month, a bankruptcy judge approved a settlement with the Trump administration allowing the huge Philadelphia Energy Solutions refiner to erase millions of dollars worth of credits it was supposed to have submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency.And then the EPA allowed one of the nation’s largest refiner companies, Andeavor, to exempt three of its operations from complying with the renewable rule.At the same time that millions of gallons of fuel are being absolved of complying, U.S.