ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkish archaeologists believe they may have discovered the remains of St. Nicholas - from whom the legend of Santa Claus emerged - beneath a church at his birthplace in southern Turkey....

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  • Archaeologists Found 1,600 Years Old Coffin of ‘Santa Claus’, Hoping to ‘Find an Inscription on the Sarcophagus’
    Old Coffin of ‘Santa Claus’, Hoping to ‘Find an Inscription on the Sarcophagus’ Archaeologists recently discovered a limestone sarcophagus from the St. Nicholas Church in Demre, Antalya, Turkey.
    12/16/2024 - 3:47 am | View Link
  • A Christmas miracle? Archaeologists uncover tomb of 'Santa Claus' inspiration Saint Nicholas
    Born some time after 260 A.D. in Myra (now the Demre district of Antalya, Turkey), Saint Nicholas was an early Christian bishop and patron saint of children and sailors. He became idolised for his ...
    12/10/2024 - 4:05 pm | View Link
  • When is St. Nick's Day and why do so many in Wisconsin celebrate the holiday?
    Every Dec. 6, kids around Wisconsin look forward to receiving treats and gifts from Saint Nicholas. Here's where the tradition comes from.
    12/3/2024 - 6:41 am | View Link
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