Lucas Jackson/Reuters A Dumb Job Frank Rich | New York Magazine "How is it possible that the inane institution of the anchorman has endured for more than 60 years?" The Inside Story of the Civil War for the Soul of NBC News Bryan Burrough | Vanity Fair "Williams’s stunning fall was only the worst of a string of embarrassing episodes that have brought NBC News, long one of the gold standards of television news, to its knees." The Fastest Mouth in the West Jonathan Abrams | Grantland "Verbal sparring runs in [Draymond] Green’s family, and his bravado is welcome on a team full of quiet, confident types like Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Andre Iguodala." Evolve With the Flow: How Drake and Kendrick Found Their Voices Jayson Greene | Pitchfork "Drake's If You're Reading This It’s Too Late and Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly are vastly different hip-hop artifacts, made by artists who use their voices in vastly different ways.