16 Killed In El Salvador Bus Attacks

Street gangs shoot passengers on one bus and set another vehicle on fire in San Salvador. The attacks mark a surge in street violence from gangs and drug traffickers, officials say. At least 16 people were killed when street gangs attacked two passenger buses, spraying one with bullets and dousing the other with gasoline before setting it on fire in a congested neighborhood in the Salvadoran capital, police said Monday.

Topics:  san   salvador   killed   bus   attacks   gangs   street   fire   
  • A photographer's devastating documentation of El Salvador's civil war in the 1980s
    In Legacy of Lies, El Salvador 1981-1984, photojournalist Robert Nickelsberg documents how U.S. foreign policy fueled a violent 13-year civil war in El Salvador.
    12/2/2024 - 5:32 am | View Link
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