Stories Related to 10 Stories That Could Be April Fools... But Aren't

10 stories that could be April Fools... but aren't

CheerleadersComing to a PE lesson near youIt's the day when some news stories are a little bit "out there", when jokers spring traps to make fools of the rest of us. But not every weird report is an April Fool. Here is a round-up of some of the day's seemingly hoax news stories which are actually true.

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Topics:  april fools   news media   weird   
  • Britain’s Daily Mail Web Site Makes Foray Into America
    Mail Online, The Daily Mail’s site, has expanded on the news and business sides with offices in New York, and coverage of celebrities in Los Angeles. More
  • Maria Shriver re-joins NBC News
    NBC News continues to be irresistibly drawn to women with White House bloodlines.  Tuesday, the news division announced it had re-hired President John F. Kennedy’s niece, Maria Shriver as “special anchor” to report and produce specials and features about the “profound impact that women’s rising influence and leadership has on all aspects of American culture and society.” More
  • Reddit hit with a denial-of-service attack
    The social news site Reddit is being hit with what the company called a “malicious” denial of service attack, first disclosed via its official Twitter account Friday. The company first disclosed that it was being targeted with an attack on Friday around 6:30 a.m. More
  • 1st Airline to Charge by Rider's Weight
    If it's an April Fools' Day joke, it's an awfully elaborate one. If not, Samoa Air has become the first airline in the world to do what was previously unthinkable: Charge passengers by weight. Yes, you get weighed. By a stranger. More
  • Emmerdale to air dark Christmas storyline for April Windsor
    Emmerdale will air some dark scenes for April Windsor over the Christmas week, following a recent revelation. April is currently on a downward spiral after not only being kidnapped by Jade, but ...
    12/16/2024 - 9:48 am | View Link
  • Emmerdale’s April reaches heartbreaking conclusion about Donna’s suicide as things get worse
    For Emmerdale ’s April Windsor ( Amelia Flanagan ), the worst thing that’s happened to her recently hasn’t been being kidnapped and dangled off a high car park by murderous thugs. She seems to have ...
    12/11/2024 - 5:56 am | View Link
  • Hope Cooperative CEO April Ludwig on continued advocacy for housing policies, wraparound services
    April Ludwig is the CEO of Hope Cooperative, a nonprofit that provides supportive housing and mental health services in Sacramento County. A licensed marriage and family therapist, she took the helm ...
    12/11/2024 - 4:51 am | View Link
  • Who was April Windsor’s mum Donna in Emmerdale and what happened to her?
    April’s mum was Donna Windsor, played by Verity Rushworth. The character first hit our screens as the daughter of Viv Hope and Vic Windsor in 1993, then played by actress Sophie Jeffrey, before Verity ...
    12/4/2024 - 8:35 pm | View Link
  • April Balascio Turned In Her Serial Killer Father. Here's the First Time She Suspected Him (Exclusive)
    In an exclusive excerpt from her new memoir, 'Raised By a Serial Killer: Discover the Truth About My Father,' April Balascio, the daughter of serial killer Edward Wayne Edwards, reveals the moment she ...
    11/26/2024 - 8:00 am | View Link
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