NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Although the industry was granted a reprieve last week when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said in a letter to Congress that new rules implementing the Durbin Amendment wouldn't be finalized until July 21, many banks appear set to take it on the chin when the inevitable clampdown on interchange fees occurs. The Durbin Amendment of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - signed into law by President Obama last July - limits the interchange fees that banks with over $10 billion in total assets can charge merchants for debit card purchases, to 12 cents per transaction, which the Fed said would be "more than 70 percent lower than the 2009 average" of 44 cents per transaction. In his letter to Congress, Bernanke indicated that the Fed had received over 11,000 responses to its request for comments following its initial rule proposal in December, and would need time to analyze the comments. ... Click to view a price quote on BAC. Click to research the Banking industry.